Matica Bio’s experts apply a holistic approach towards maximizing cell culture performance and vector output. Each aspect of the production system — cells, media, vectors, equipment, and analytics — is optimized and integrated into a comprehensive solution.


Cell line development and optimization at Matica Bio can result in more rapid cell growth, improved transfection efficiency and increased titers. We have an array of cell lines available to support production of high quality advanced thearpies products.

  • Clonal selection and growth parameters
  • Adaptation to suspension-based growth
  • Adaptation to microcarrier
  • Media screening and cell culture optimization
  • Cell banking
  • virus seed banking

MatiMax Platform – Proprietary Cell Lines Available

Matica Bio’s cell lines are available for development and manufacturing of advanced therapies. Experience faster development time and higher tier using our proprietary cell line.

Contact our technical team to learn more about customized approach for your cell line development.